
2021年3月发布的2020年5月美国各职业工资中位数:  https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_nat.htm    

工资高低排列,前25位 (detail里有10%-90%分布)

前10均为医生,11位CEO(大头stock option及业绩),CS manager排17:

1 Anesthesiologists                                                                                $271,440             

2 Surgeons                                                                                             $251,650             

3 Obstetricians and Gynecologists                                                        $239,120

4 Orthodontists                                                                                      $237,990             

5 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons                                                         $234,990             

6 Physicians, All Other; and Ophthalmologists, Except Pediatric          $218,850             

7 Psychiatrists                                                                                        $217,100

8 Prosthodontists                                                                                  $214,870

9 Family Medicine Physicians                                                                $214,370

10 General Internal Medicine Physicians                                              $210,960

11 Chief Executives                                                                                $197,840

12 Dentists, All Other Specialists                                                           $194,930

13 Nurse Anesthetists                                                                           $189,190

14 Airline Pilots, Copilots, and Flight Engineers                                   $186,870

15 Pediatricians, General                                                                       $184,570

16 Dentists, General                                                                              $180,830

17 Computer and Information Systems Managers                               $161,730

18 Architectural and Engineering Managers                                         $158,100

19 Natural Sciences Managers                                                               $154,930

20 Marketing Managers                                                                         $154,470

21 Petroleum Engineers                                                                         $154,330

22 Financial Managers                                                                            $151,510

23 Podiatrists                                                                                          $151,110

24 Lawyers                                                                                              $148,910

25 Sales Managers                                                                                  $147,580

Pharmacists                                                                                             $125,460

Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers                                                         $70,000

Fast Food and Counter Workers                                                            $24,540


排名      专业                                  中位数                              失业率                             硕博率

1            Naval Engineering           $90,000                             1.6%                                 29%

2            Nuclear Engineering       $98,100                             1.8%                                  56%

3            Pharmaceutical               $100,000                           2.2%                                  58%

4            Genetics                           $85,000                            1.2%                                  76%

5            Electrical Engineering     $99,000                            2.7%                                   46%

6            Archit Engineering          $74,000                            1.5%                                   29%

7            Aerospace Engineering  $90,000                            2.3%                                   49%

8            Computer Engineering   $92,000                            2.8%                                   40%

8            Electrical Eng Tech          $76,000                            1.8%                                  30%

10          Materials Science            $90,000                            2.0%                                  66%

11          Engin Management        $72,600                            1.3%                                  34%

12          General Engineering       $80,000                            2.4%                                  37%

13          Applied Mathematics     $78,200                            1.8%                                  49%

14          Construction Services     $70,000                            1.9%                                  11%

14          Transportation Science  $72,000                            2.2%                                   20%

16          Mech Engineering           $88,000                            3.0%                                  39%

17          MIS Statistics                   $80,000                            2.9%                                  25%

18          Computer Science           $87,000                            3.1%                                  32%

19          Atmospheric Sciences    $70,100                            0.6%                                   45%

20          Civil Engineering             $80,000                            2.7%                                  39%

21          Chemical Engineering    $88,000                            3.0%                                   46%

22          Miscellaneous Engin       $70,000                            2.1%                                  21%

23          Finance                           $75,000                            2.9%                                   29%

24          Math & CS                      $99,000                            4.5%                                   40%

25          Medical Preparatory      $74,000                            1.7%                                    78%


家庭年收入                                                                比例

5万美元以下                                                             37.1%

50000-74999 (68400@50%)                               16.5%

75000-99999                                                           12.3%

100000-149999                                                       15.5%

150000-199999                                                       8.3%

200000以上                                                             10.3%


家庭经济                          对应年收入                     占录取者比例                            费用         

最富1%                            >$500000                          15%                                    全自费+捐巨款

次富9%                            200k-500k                         30%                                    全自费

中上10%                          140k-200k                         25%                                    自付额14k-70k

中等30%                          70k-140k                           10%                                    自付额7k-14k

剩下50%                          <$70000                            20%                                    full ride

Top 1%净资产4.4米,达标者2百万户,不过难入T5法眼,Top 0.1% UHNWI (ultra-high net worth individual),净值30米以上才行,他们捐的钱是学费的N倍。


收入                    200000 (gross,并非AGI)

减实际税率          德州21%,加州27%,纽约市30%,含FICA,联邦州市收入税,税率随收入递增

减基数                 33000 (四口之家,多1人少1人+/-4660)

乘47%                 德州为例 (200000x79%-33000)x47%=58750=收入部分的EFC

自住房净值          T5, Dartmouth, Rice只要净值没超过当地市场中位数,不计入EFC。有些学校把相当于年收入1.2-2.5倍净值纳入财产。

财产                    银行股市+藏床垫的+自住房之外的房地产+529等等,假设30万, 紫檀零头

乘5.64%             T5为例,不计自住房,只算其它300000x5.64%=16920=财产部分的EFC




美国家庭年收入中位数$68400,在这个数字之下,如能上T19,学费生活费几乎全免,the privileged poor.



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